- 7. studenoga 2022.
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- listopada 2022. povodom Mjeseca hrvatske knjigeučenici koji pohađaju fakultativnu nastavu Američka kultura i civilizacija i dio učenika 2f razreda sudjelovali su na predavanju i radionici prevođenja u organizaciji Američkog kutka Zagreb u pratnji profesorica engleskog jezika Bojane Bačan i Snježane Liović. Mjesto održavanja bila je Gradska knjižnica, na radionici je sudjelovalo nekoliko osnovnih i srednjih škola, a govornici su bili Marina Lončar, voditeljica Američkog kutka, Nataša Pejić, urednica Znanja i književna prevoditeljica Maja Klarić.
Prokomentirali smo slogan Misli na sebe, čitaj i Do good for yourself and the world, read!
Urednica je objasnila što uključuje njen posao, a Maja Klarić je učenicima dočarala što znači i kako izgleda posao književne prevoditeljice. Najzanimljiviji dio je bila radionica u kojoj su učenici sudjelovali u prevođenju imena osoba i stvari iz nove knjige koju prevoditeljica prevodi na hrvatski Amari and the Great Game, roman fantastike za mlade. Naš učenik 2f razreda, Luka Medija, osvojio je nagradu, knjigu istog autora B.B. Alstona, prevedenu na hrvatski, za svoj prijedlog prijevoda vlastitog imena lika u romanu. Bravo Luka!
Događanje je bilo izuzetno zanimljivo i potaknulo je učenike na razmišljanje o značaju prevoditelja i poslu prevođenja. Evo i nekoliko komentara učenika na engleskom jeziku:
After I had been on library`s workshop, the way they told us and the way I see it, being a translator is a very difficult job. Translators need to have good language skills to translate from one language to another language. Furthermore, being a translator is also sensitive job because people need to have particularly good interpretation skills to see differences among languages, cultures, and people in a better way. Not all sentences or jokes in one language have the same meaning as on other language. Because of that, translators need to think by themselves how to interpret and translate something that will have the same or identical meaning and not ruin the meaning of that sentence. Therefore, being a translator can be stressful because of time limits, which are deadlines, where you need to complete your work, translation of book or text, on specific time. Even though translator as a job is challenging, I assume people still get a good salary from it. Personally, I think that job can be also interesting if you love doing it despite everything else. (Ana, 3. r)
I think that being a translator is a tough but an exciting job. You can read so many interesting books that you can translate in a way that you want, which is a challenging part beacuse it has to be both correct and right at the same time. On the other hand, you get to be the one who “gives the soul to the book” in your language and crate art with words and phrases. A good translator is someone who needs to be crative and full of ideas to make a book sound as gorgeous as it already is but in a different language. I respect all the translators who make our vocabulary richer and, of course, give life and souls to our books. Working as a translator requires great understanding of another language.Obviously, you can’t translate someting you don’t understand. Since you have to corecctly convey the message when translating from one language fron another, you also need some good writing skills. (Eva, 1. r)